''Stem cells makes copies of itself whereas differentiated cells can't.''
stem cells function differently from differentiated cells because the stem cells divide and make copies of itself. It has the potential either to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell if the body needed while on the other hand, differentiated cells are specialized cells which performs specific functions and unable to divide.
There will be a progressive fall in glomerular filtration rate.
The glomerular filtration rate,GFR, shows how well the Kidney is functioning or working. When the Kidney is not working well, it doesn't filter the way it should.
Note that, Glomerular filtration is the process of removing wastes and excess fluid to become part of the urine, by the kidney.
DNA, Chromosomes, Nucleus, Cell, Organism
DNA makes up the Chromosomes, which are stored in the nucleus, which is the brain of the cell, and cells make up organisms.