well, unintelligent is the opposite of genius so, hope that helped
The debate of third person vs. first person point of view (POV) has been around for some time. It can make things challenging when you’re trying to figure out which POV to write from, especially if you’re partway through your short story or novel and decide to switch POV.
First person POV is where the main character is telling the story through their eyes. The protagonist talks in terms of “I,” “I said,” “I went,” etc. (The blond guy in the below photo is the “I.” He acts as both protagonist, narrator, and reader.)
"They provide a framework that enables wider engagement in the whole political process. Through these political parties, anyone who is an American citizen is able to run for office, and anyone can vote and express their preference for any one party."
He’s trying to go to canada
Answer: D
Explanation: the last one sounds the most confident