There are several steps you need to follow if you want to report fraudulent or incorrect charges to your credit card company:
1. Evaluate the charge
2. Contact the merchant first
3. Contact the credit card company
4. Mail dispute paperwork
5. Wait for them to investigate your dispute
6. Appeal if necessary
Gxoogle it
once, while, when, whenever, where, wherever, before, and after
1. Argue
2. Basketball
3. nets
They are arguing about what the grant should be used for.
Isa talks about wanting to get new basketballs
and Lannis wants new nets for volleyball.
Bro as naive as a 30 year old man that still believes he’ll become a professional basketball player
Sun is the word from the passage which symbolizes hope.
Answer: Option B
Wreckage, Inlet, and skeletons are definitely not the words that symbolizes hope. When the author says, ‘Finally, some of the storm clouds parted just as they were losing hope, and the sun shined down on the island’, he means that amidst the destroyed ships and stinky skeletons, when they were about to lose hope, there came a time when the clouds were clear and they could see a ray of hope.
That ray was the light of the sun, when everything seems like an end, that’s the time when the sun gave them aspiration. The rising sun symbolizes the new beginning and new hope, the setting sun also gives us a desire for a new day that will begin. So no matter whether the sun rises or sets, it will always be the symbol of hope.