B. To ensure that the president does not become too powerful
The main function entrusted to the cabinet is to participate in the task of ensuring continuity of the presidency of the United States. So officials closest to the head of state, included in the Cabinet, can attest to the inability of the US president to fulfill his duties.
As for the cabinet’s participation in the legislative process, the powers in this area are practically nullified. So the US President not only determines the legislative program, but also tightly controls the entire legislative process.
A .org website is the URL used for organizations. It is a top level domain, and frequently used by giant bodies even. It is a truncated from the full word, organization.
Even charity websites use .org frequently well. The .org domain was initially intended for non profit organizations, until few months ago during which the restrictions were lifted. It is frequently used by communities, schools, and of course, charity organizations or NGOs.
C. A day that will live in infamy
15+25+35+45=120 120 divide 4 = 30