"A Modest Proposal" was written anonymously by author Jonathan Swift in 1729. His not-at-all modest proposal for the poor people of Ireland to stop being a burden is that they should start selling their children as food for the rich. Of course, that proposal is outrageous, and for that very reason it has become a famous example of satire. Swift used an alarming seriousness when writing it, certainly with the intention of making it more absurd by making it sound plausible and feasible. His intention is, in fact, to criticize the economic sate of Ireland - a state in which the rich get richer by shamelessly exploring the poorer classes.
"A Modest Proposal" is Jonathan Swift's satirical essay. Swift deals with the problem of foot shortage present in Ireland, and suggests that it could be overcome by eating babies when they turn one year old. This is, of course, Swift's humorous way to underline the problems of England and Ireland in 1720s. The purpose of this essay is to make people address the problem of poverty in real life, and to think of a solution to this problem other than cannibalism.
<span>Dr. Lanyon receives a letter from Dr. Jekyll asking him for a favor. The favor <span>involved breaking and entering into Dr. Jekyll’s laboratory and giving some potions to a messenger who will arrive at Dr. Lanyon’s house at midnight.</span></span>