if a student leaves a book bag in class by accident and the professor takes possession to safeguard the bag, a bailment has been formed-True
A bailment is a form of the legal relationship that focuses on the contractual transfer of assets or property from a bailor to a baile who voluntarily but temporarily gives up possession but not complete ownership. Even though no contract is formalized, a bailment is a type of contractual relationship. The person receiving the property (the "bailee") has custody and control over it for a certain amount of time, during which he or she is responsible for taking reasonable care of it.
To know more about bailment visit the link
True cost of the microwave is in 99% confidence interval: 
Relevant data:

As we want to know the 99% confidence interval, the significance level is:

We need to estimate a confidence interval by a two tailed normal bell. Then we have:

The z-value for a probability of 0.005 in a normal standard distribution is 2.576
Confidence interval is given by;:

True cost of the microwave is in 99% confidence interval: 
the dialectic method
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that the process that is being used is known as the dialectic method. This is a form of research in which competing ideas, perspectives, or arguments are analyzed in order to understand the potential truths, advantages, and disadvantages of the aspects being discussed.
Communicating value
Communicating value involves showing others what makes one's product or skills different and better than others that are available.
What value means to stakeholders in a situation needs to be defined.
Focus is then given to how the skill or product can meet these unique needs.
Also one needs to understand the most effective platform to use in communicating value.
In this instance Ethan wants to make his resume stand out from all the other resumes that the company receives in order to be selected for an interview
He is communicating the value he can add to the company.