The sponsorship of the court and wealthy merchants prevents artistic freedom from works of art, as they often sponsored works that painted them as religious figures, or in religious scenes.
Sponsorship was very important for the development of art during the Renaissance. However, this sponsorship often prevented artists' creativity and artistic freedom, as it prevented them from painting what they wanted, but made them paint portraits of their sponsors as historical figures, or religious figures. This characteristic reinforces the adoption of humanist concepts by artists of the time.
Approval of the articles was delayed by the conditions that various states placed. The prevailing arguments included the need for a stronger central government which became apparent as the weak federal government had no powers to raise revenue or raise an army. There was also the argument that such a step would result in tyranny
In the early 16th century, the Treaty between Spain and Portugal, concluded at Vitoria; February 19, 1524 and called for the Badajoz Junta to meet in 1524, at which the two countries tried to reach an agreement on the anti-meridian but failed.
Hope this helps.
Spurius Lucretius
Spurius Lucretius was chosen in place of Brutus, but he died after a few days, and was followed by Marcus Horatius Pulvillus. Lucretius was from a prominent family of the Roman Republic. HE was also the first of the Lucretii to obtain the consulship