1. Thomas CLEANS his teeth every day. a) is cleaning b) clean c) cleans 2.
2. Georgia IS WEARING her new trousers today. a) is wearing b) wears c) are wearing
3. I DON'T GO to the library every week. a) am going b) don't go c) am not going
4. Rosa and Elena WRITE to their grandmother every week. a) write b) are writing c) is writing
5. Andreas and Jim DON'T MAKE their beds every day. a) making b) aren't making c) don't make
6 I AM NOT WEARING my glasses at the moment. a) wear b) am not wearing c) don't wear
7. We ARE HAVING our breakfast now. a) have b) having c) are having
8. Thomas usually PLAYS the guitar but now he IS PLAYING the piano. a) plays / playing b) play / is playing c) plays / is playing
9 Katya IS GOING swimming now. a) goes b) go c) is going
10 My friends ARE RUNNING in the park currently. a) are running playing b) are running c) is running
Story of "Pyramid and Thisbe" forms a part of the story of Metamorphoses written by Ovid making the characters and story similar to each other.
The story "Pyramus and Thisbe" is an act that has been written by William Shakespeare. The story is about the couple who are ill fated lovers. Because of this sadness and ill fate, Pyramus stabs his own heart with his sword and he bleeds a lot and dies. But one good thing that happens is that he sees the beautiful face of Thisbe before dying.
But the part of these lovers forms a part of Ovid's metamorphoses which speaks about the ill fate of the people who struggle to find their own identity in a world of obligations.
D) Rhetoric
<u> The rhetorical model of persuasion means that the argument presented is effective and appealing, posing as the truth and presenting many valuable assertions. </u>Good persuasion should make the audience change their mind and find the presenter credible and the speech emotional. It is also good to use rhetorical devices – these are stylistic devices and figures of speech that make the argument and discussion more colorful, grab the attention of the audience, and tend to help the person persuade the audience into the argument.
Good persuasion should use the models of rhetoric persuasion which are <u>pathos </u>(emotional convention), <u>ethos </u>(the belief and principle, main idea that gathers people around it), <u>logos </u>(principle of reason), and <u>kairos </u>(timeliness of the argument, the fact that it can be used outside of the certain setting or context)