Nom - Nomus, Noma, Namum
Gen - Genus, Gena, Genum
Dat - Datus, Data, Datum
Acc - Accus, Acca, Accum
Abl - Ablus, Abla, Ablum
Nom - Nomuses, Nomas, Namumes
Gen - Genuses, Genas, Genumes
Dat - Datuses, Datas, Datumes
Acc - Accuses, Accas, Accumes
Abl - Abluses, Ablas, Ablumes<span />
The sentence that contains parallel structure in non-restrictive elements and parallel structure is Jalen folded the application and placed it in the envelope. The answer in this question will be the sentence Jalen folded the application and placed it in the envelope.
Summary for the text "Two lots" by I.L Caragiale<span>