About 1902 prisoners worked in the southern industry in year 1886.
After the civil war, the slavery was ended in the society but the prisoners were used for different industries such as coal extraction, planting and harvesting of crops etc. In the southern parts of united states of america, the population of prisoners increases very fast. The population is increase about 10 times in the last 30 years of 19th century from 1870 to 1913. The southern states earn a lot of money from this convict leasing.
Option B
I think this is the answer based on my age, knowledge, and life experiences. However, I am only 50% sure about my answer. I figured that I would give it a shot being no one else has replied. If you decide to go with my option please advise me on the correct answer, please.
Can you plz put the design?
That would be the mighty argentionosaurous. Weighing 35 tons and standing 75 ft tall. Hope this helps!
John Sloan
His art is called Six O'Clock, Winter.
It was created in 1912