Answer: How gender roles are learned at homes
Most homes do segregate house chores based on genders; the ladies do the dishes while the guys wash the cars or mows the lawn. This is encouraging as it helps the children to be responsible in the homes and be able to take up responsibility for themselves when they start staying alone or with their family, although some homes don't support gender segregation for house chores as they want both gender to carry out any kind of work.
Its that in the Christian Bible, Adam, MEN, were created first, and Eve was made with Adam's rib. This has been interpreted as Women cannot live without man and becasue they were made after Men, they are inferior. Also, the Bible says that Eve was made becasue Adam, who was assigned to watch over the animals was lonely, implying that women were made only to keep men company
Manuel is not a public defender and Bill is not the president so Ann wish is invalid.
expressive mudras, abhinaya, asanas characterize a good classical dancer.
Hope this helps!
Good luck