It results in change of the phase temperature and heat
This is based on borderline personality disorder which is low levels of activity in anterior cingulate cortex is associated with hoarding behaviors, suicidal behavior that is 7.5% suicide over 20 years old, self-injury 2/3 ; 3/4 stabilize in 10 to 15 years, co-morbid PTSD or mood disorder, at risk for substance abuse and eating disorders, schizotypal personality disorder, might be related to dissociation identity disorder, genes account for 60% variance in developing BPD, lower serotonin function, increased activation of amygdala and disturbed connectivity b/w prefrontal cortex and the amygdala.
A. The heartbeat can be heard
After the first trimester, during the fourth month, the heartbeat of the fetus becomes loud enough to be heard with the help of a stethoscope placed on the abdomen of the mother.
From fifth to the seventh month of the development, kicks and jabs are felt by the mother as the fetal legs grow and develops. Languo, a wrinkled pink colored skin covers the fetus.
Languo is in turn covered with a white greasy substance called vernix caseosa.
From eighth to ninth months, rotation of the fetus places its head pointing towards the cervix to facilitate childbirth later.
The development of testes takes place in the seventh month while the body hairs become disappeared in the eighth month.
Two structures located in the diencephalon are hypothalamus and epithalamus
The diencephalon of the human brain has four main structures which are the hypothalamus, the thalamus, the epithalamus and the subthalamus. Thalamus structure is at the center of the brain which relays sensory impulses to the cerebral cortex. The hypothalamus regulates the temperature of the body while the epithalamus maintains the circadian rhythms.
<span>The ash trees are being cut when the show signs of
infestation of the ash borer. Ash borer in particular the Emerald Ash Borer
(EAB) is a tiny bug but can really do a great damage to the tree. When the tree
is infested with the ash borer, they lay their eggs in the bark of tree, when
the eggs hatch the lavas would start eating on the inner tissues of the tree
blocking the flow of nutrients and water in the tree that causes the tree’s to
death. If the tree is infested they cut
it down, burn and bury the wood to stop the spread of infestation. Ash trees
are valued for its strength and elasticity that is often used to make baseball
bats, bows, tool handles and other products that needs durable wood.</span>