You can start by looking at the date. Anything made before 1923, no matter what, will be definitely in the public domain. ... Most times, it's impossible to determine whether something is in the public domain just by the date. There are three ways you can find out definitively whether a work is in the public domain.
If it stores any type of objects mixed, use Object as storage class. All classes inherit from Object and for primitives use their respective wrapper classes. Or just use one of the bazillion container classes that already exist.
The answer is (data) abstraction!
Hope it helped (:
Java solution (because only major programming language that has public static methods)
(import* before hand)
public static boolean s2f(String fileName, String text){
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new File(fileName));
return true;
catch(Exception e){
return false;
c) 4.4
You can evaluate step by step the code. You know tha your input is 4.0
Step 1 Variables definitions:
double tax;
double total;
Step 2 Ask the user for the input:
System.out.print("Enter the cost of the item");
Step 3 read de input:
total = scan.nextDouble();
Step 4 evaluate the condition ( is the input greater or equal than 3.0 ? [True])
if ( total >= 3.0)
Step 5 get done the operations inside the condition and print it:
tax = 0.10;
System.out.println(total + (total * tax));