UCS = chocolate chip cookies
CS = the smell
UCR = the smell of chocolate cookies
CR = the smell of chocolate chips cookies makes you happier
Classical conditioning has three basic stages. The first stage is before conditioning stage in which the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) produces a unlearned response, also called the unconditioned response (UCR. This response is natural.
The second stage is the "during conditioning stage" and it involves a stimulus producing no response and has an association with the unconditioned stimulus, which now becomes the conditioned stimulus (CS).
The third and final stage is the "after conditioning" stage and in this stage the CS is now associated with the UCS to produce a Conditioned response (CR).
From the example, the Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) is the chocolate chip cookies which produces an unlearned response of cheering you up.
The conditioned stimulus is the smell of the chocolate which is now associated with the UCS to become the CS.
The Unconditioned response is the smell f the chocolate chip cookies, which the conditioned response is the smell of the chocolate chip cookies that makes you happy. The happiness is the conditioned response. You are not used feeling happy once you perceive the smell of chocolate chip cookies.
At the time of World War I, the US Army was small compared with the mobilized armies of the European powers. As late as 1914, the Regular Army had under 100,000 men, while the National Guard (the organized militias of the states) numbered around 115,000. The National Defense Act of 1916 authorized the growth of the Army to 165,000 and the National Guard to 450,000 by 1921, but by 1917 the Army had only expanded to around 121,000, with the National Guard numbering 181,000.
Cultural landscapes mirror the material and representative scene—social esteems, belief systems, conviction frameworks, and additionally safe house, nourishment, and apparel. An attention on the areal separation inside also, between areas would feature diverse types of social scenes—as obvious, for case, in various house sorts or agrarian practices.