The reason is two fold, the first is the active volcano of Kilauea implies there is a lot of heat under the big island of Hawaii, and that heat causes the island to be buoyed up. However, the other islands do not have active volcanos, are colder, and have subsided, the 2nd is, because the volcanoes on the older islands are dormant, those islands are and are no longer growing and are steadily eroding away.
Los puentes de Hidrógeno, se forman por átomos de Hidrógeno localizados entre átomos pequeños muy electronegativos, cuando un átomo de Hidrógeno está unido covalentemente, a un átomo electronegativo, Oxígeno, Nitrógeno o Flúor, el átomo con mayor electronegatividad atraerá hacia si los electrones del enlace, formándose
si esta respuesta te ayudo, me calificas con 5 estrellitas te lo agradeceria <3
The salt solution is hypertonic to the plant cells. water from the plant cells seeped out. plasmolysis apply
Solution :
Aspirin is used to reduce fever and also relief the mild pain from the body by the conditions including toothache, headaches, muscle pains, and minor body pains.
It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug and also a blood thinners.
<u>Shape-based structural features</u>
-- The inhibitor should be L or V shaped to selectively bind to COX -2.
<u>Electrostatics based structural features</u>
The inhibitor should include a carboxylic acid to target Arg 120
Incompatible structural feature