Islam has spread to other parts of the world in numerous ways. In the early years of the religion it spread to Africa and even into Spain through the control of the Islamic Caliphate. The religion also spread through trade routes to West Africa and Asia. The religion in recent years has been spread through the migration of Muslims around the world and also the increase in the interconnectedness of people through media and the internet.
Religion basically ruled every aspect of mayan culture. the mayan calander, their sciences, even the archetecture revolved around pleasing the gods. the temples were built to house human sacrifices.
It increased public interest and confidence in the possibility of safe and fast commercial air travel.
After the flight, Lindbergh participated in many different events, advertising everything related to aviation. It is estimated that approximately 50 million people saw and heard Lindbergh during these events. All this gave a powerful impetus to the development of aviation in the USA: many more various flights were carried out, including a non-stop flight on the route Mexico City – Washington.
He pardoned Richard Nixon immediately of all crimes.