If I were to start a business, I will choose Sole Proprietorship.
Reasons why I will choose Sole Proprietorship
* I will be the sole owner and responsible for my business.
* All profits (and loss) will belong to me, means the more I work harder, the more return I (alone) will get.
* I can make all the decisions by myself, without the interference of any other person.
* I can expand my business as per my convenience and hard work, if I succeed I can eat all the fruits myself.
* I can grow my business as much I want.
* No one will be my boss, I will be setting my own working hours and work load etc.
A) the discounted payback period decreases as the discount rate increases
The discounted payback period is used to determine the profitability of an investment project.
A not discounted payback period is how long does it take for the cash flows of a project to recoup the investment's cost without considering the value of money in time. By applying a discount to the cash flows, the discounted period will more accurately measure the length of time needed to recoup an investment using current dollars.
The higher the discount rate, the longer it will take for the cash flows to cover the investment's cost, so if the discount rate lowers, then the discounted payback period will be shorter.
It is called <u>discounting</u>
Hope your day goes well !!! :)
Simple... My cousin is doing a internship, he is going to college and getting his degree in engineering. While he's getting his 4 year scholarship he's also working for a engineering factory to get paid while he's in college.