The extraordinary results of this study are beyond reproach; the human mind creates memories each time you would like to remembe
r them. –Frances Wallace, Now read the following passages from a separate article. Which of the following uses of the above passage is not considered plagiarism? A. And thus we know that the human mind creates memories each time you would like to remember them.B. If we look at Wallace’s work, we can be certain the human mind creates memories each time you would like to remember them. C. Although it is startling to contemplate, "the human mind creates memories each time you would like to remember them." D. These results are extraordinary and cannot be doubted—the human mind creates memories!
Plagiarism means stealing and publication of another author's ideas, work or language and attributing them as your own original idea or work.
Going by the above questions and from the understanding of the word plagiarism we can conclude that the work is not considered plagiarized because it is in quote and the writers name is mentioned at the end of the quote.
The quotation marks at the beginning and the end of the sentence "the human mind creates memories each time you would like to remember them." shows that the statement does not belong to the writer but rather it is attributed to another person. Therefore the use of the quotation mark makes reference to the original writer and we can conclude that it is not - plagiarized