The fact that volcanic rock has often been found early in the rock record but less frequently in later rock layers suggest to scientists the following conclusion about early earth: <span>volcanic activity was more common in the past than it is today.
</span>Besides volcanic activity in general, also huge volcanic eruptions<span> were much </span>more common than today<span>.</span>
La "leva" era, sobre todo en la época de la revolución mexicana, una manera de tener elementos humanos en los ejércitos. Las tropas al llegar a una población buscaban a toda la población joven para enlistarlos en sus filas.
El campo se vio afectado debido a que se quedo sin mano de obra para labrarlo.
<span>Owed that it mayoría de personas migrated from Asia</span>
Atlantic Ocean
Null Island is a name for the point on the Earth's surface where the prime meridian and the equator cross, located in international waters in the Gulf of Guinea (Atlantic Ocean) off the west African coast. In the WGS84 datum, this is at zero degrees latitude and longitude (0°N 0°E), and is the location of a buoy.