Domain bacteria, Domain Archaea and Domain Eucarya
Why is it important to learn about stem cells and stem cell research?
Researchers hope stem cell studies can help to: Increase understanding of how diseases occur. By watching stem cells mature into cells in bones, heart muscle, nerves, and other organs and tissue, researchers may better understand how diseases and conditions develop.
How does stem cell research affect society?
Research with embryonic stem cells may lead to new, more effective treatments for serious human ailments and alleviate the suffering of thousands of people. Diseases such as juvenile diabetes, Parkinson's disease, heart failure and spinal cord injuries are examples.
Answer: D
lIf the change in the ecosystem occurs, then it would effect the weather, temperature, and the abiotic factors. So, we can see that the bacteria could survive in any sort of temperature. So, A can't be it. Also, B can't be it because the grass can grow in any sort of soil, even if the soil is contaminated. C cant be it because even if the change in the envoriment (temperature, contaimination) kills of one of the brown bear's food source, they can still have other things they can eat. But, if the weather gets too hot or the soil gets contaimnated and kills off the ecalyptus plants, the koala has nothing else to eat. So, best answer is D.
Answer: hair color and height.