Politics during the period of Rome is governed by an emperor having their city as a state. It includes the relationship between the landowners having vast lands cultivated by peasants and slaves with the protection of nobles in return for having partial lands for payment. Its economic system is both feudal and slavery.
The middle ages have the role of a monarchy government and the power of a clergy in the decision making. It has a larger scope of land compared to the Romans. It has a feudal economic system and at the stage of a diminishing slavery system.
Answer: very specific is a labyrith-like architecture. Minoan culture was pre-Greek culture situated in Crete (Mediterranean) and Aegean islands with probable influences of ancient Egypt. What is also typical is what "linear writing" (specificly Minoean hieroglyphs). We are not sure what or who is responsible for the end of this culture because it disappeared quite suddenly. All these facts are very specific and unique of Minoan culture/civilization.
The description is summarized in the clarification section follows, as per the particular circumstance.
- "Rock and roll" represents a form of modern music rooted throughout the U.S. throughout the 1950s, however according to columnist Greg Kot. Rock music eventually evolved into another all of which included foreign relevant content as rock music either by 1960s, while the latter still appeared to be recognized as rock'n'roll.'
- Throughout the early rock music types, the leading player was usually whether another piano as well as saxophone. Throughout the medium the to late 1950s, certain instruments have been commonly replaced or augmented by guitar. The beat seems to be simply a dance pattern with an augmented rhythm section, which will often be produced by a drum machine.
- Lifestyles, styling, personalities, including vocabulary, had a polarizing presence on rock and roll. It is often represented in film, fan magazines, as well as so on TV. This might just have connected to the campaign for civil liberties because although the genre was enjoyed upon between African Americans including Mexican American adolescents.
Truman put limits on Macarthur because h<span>e was unhappy that MacArthur moved north of the 38th parallel.</span>
The spanish sought to find profit from new land to create more wealth for the mother country.
The prevailing economic theory of mercantilism held that nations could become wealth through the amount of precious metals that they accumulated. The Spanish, just like other Europeans sought to create wealth