<span>TRUE! Regular aerobic exercise increases the strength of the heart to pump blood, improves capillary density in muscles and organs and increase the pliability of the blood vessels to move blood. All of this combines to improve VO2 max or the maximal amount of oxygen the body can use during exercise.</span>
The shortstop positions himself between the third baseman and the second-base bag. The shortstop is considered the captain of the infield and takes charge on balls hit in the air as well as communication among infielders.
D) All of the answers are correct
Two people can label the same situation differently which leads to different perceptions. A bad experience could be labelled as a trauma and can lead to several psychiatric disorders like PTSD or depression. Often when we label something we also generalize a situation or a person. Labeling someone in this way can lead other people to oppress that person or take their advantage. For example a label like HIV positive is generally taken in a negative sense by people and it overshadows all other aspects of a person's life.