When you pay with a credit card you use the bank's money that you have to pay back but with a debit card, you are using money straight out of your account. In the end, you are basically using your money just not in the form of paper.
When you pay with a credit card you use the bank's money that you have to pay back but with a debit card, you are using money straight out of your account. In the end, you are basically using your money just not in the form of paper.
Burns Industries
Using an incremental analysis approach, Burns should consider accepting this special order only if the price per unit offered by Allen is at least:
above $38 (the variable cost per unit).
a) Data and Calculations:
Monthly production and sales units = 18,000
Production capacity per month = 33,000 units
Costs at the 18,000-unit-per-month level of production:
Variable costs = $38
Fixed costs = 23
Total per unit = $61
Selling price per unit = $78
Special offer for 4,800 saws per month, without changing the fixed manufacturing costs.
b) Incremental analysis approach is a management decision technique that specifies that only relevant, marginal, or differential costs should be taken into account. It rules out the inclusion of sunk or fixed costs, which do not change between alternatives.
Refrain from introducing evidence of prior oral agreements that occurred before or while the agreement was being reduced to its final form in order to alter the terms of the existing contract and you will have no disputes.
The rapidly increasing number of patrons of Phoenix, a coffee shop chain and their recent opened 400 stores to cater it, exemplifies market penetration, where the measurement of their product acceptance or sales is high compared to the total market for that product.
Profit on a long call option = max(St - X, 0) - premium paid
Profit on a long call option = max(29 - 27, 0) - 1.1
Profit on a long call option = max(2, 0) - 1.1
Profit on a long call option = 2 - 1.1
Profit on a long call option = 0.9 per share
Total profit on the long call option = 0.9 * 100 shares per contract * 3 contracts = 0.9 * 100 * 3 = $270
Net profit on this investment = 270 - 10
Net profit on this investment = $260