All of the mentioned people are a part of ancient Greece
Leonidas- He was the king of Sparta, a city located in ancient Greece
Philip of Macedon- He was the king of Macedon (ancient Greece) who has its origin from the Argead dynasty
Alexander the Great- Also known as Alexander III he is a popular king known for his conquests around the world.
Cleisthenes- He is a Greek lawmaker who is known for creating the constitution of ancient Greece
Solon- A Greek lawmaker who is known for laying the foundation stone for Greek democracy
Demosthenes- An orator from ancient Greece. He is also known for his statesmanship
While we make use of many varieties of data, our primary sources come
from county tabulations drawn from the U.S. censuses of population
and agriculture. We have collected those data for the decennial
population censuses from 1880 through 2000, as well as for the
agricultural censuses (which were decennial until 1920 and then more
frequent thereafter) from 1880 through 1997.3 In addition to
census-based sources, we have collected other county-level
tabulations of social characteristics. We use the population and
social indicators data to understand population structure and
change, and the agricultural census data to understand agricultural
land use. Their consistency, as well as the effectiveness and
long-term quality of the U.S. census, have made this part of our
project straightforward. Some of these data were available to us in
digital form, and others we collected in print form and then
hand-keyed into our database. All of these data are described in
Gutmann et al.
(1998). Since that document was published, we have added
data from recent censuses (1997 agriculture and 2000 population),
while maintaining their content and structure. Although our study
area is not coterminous with the 10 states, we have collected data
that covered the entire area of the 10 Great Plains states, and
often neighboring states, especially Iowa and Minnesota.
<span>Slavery was morally wrong. He dod not like the idea of slavery which happened to cause the Civil War</span>
Goals of the separatists in establishing the colony in New England was though economic stability but more than that it was spiritual. The goal of the New England settlers was more of spiritual than political or economical.
They were fed up of the church system of spirituality. They wanted to establish their own beliefs of god. Hence, the goal of the separatists was spiritual and they wanted to change the church's practice.
Sorry no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!