Ross Perot was given credit for forcing the
two major party candidates in 1992, President George H. W. Bush and Governor Bill
Clinton, to address the federal deficit, the amount by which annual government
spending exceeds incoming revenue.
In the year 1992, Ross Perot publicized his
plan to track presidential race and promoted a budget that is balanced, representation
of automated direct equality and to end job outsourcing.
c. The Syrian Desert did not have enough good farmland.
The Akkadian Empire was a great kingdom of Mesopotamia formed from the conquests of Sargon I of Akkad. It maintained its maximum splendor in the XXII century BCE (2334 to 2192 BC) in which five monarchs succeeded each other: Sargon himself, his sons Rimush and Manishutusu, his grandson Naram-Sin and his son, Sharkalisharri who ruled for 141 years.
The dominions of the Akkadian Empire extended to the entire basin of the Tigris and Euphrates, Elam, Syria and - according to the inscriptions - even further, to Lebanon and the Mediterranean coast. According to these inscriptions, incursions into Anatolia and the interior of the Zagros Mountains would be made and the empire would control the trade of the Persian Gulf towards «Magan» (possibly Oman) and the Indus Valley region.
The empire reached its maximum territorial extension: in the western limits it incorporated the regions of Aleppo (in present-day Syria), and the surroundings of Tripoli (in the Canaanite Mediterranean coast of present-day Lebanon); in the Orientals it conquered Susa and, in the north, it expanded by Anatolia. It is a combination of steppe and desert that is located in the north of the Arabian peninsula and covers more than 500,000 km2 in eastern Syria and Jordan, and in western Iraq. The desert is very rocky and flat. Due to its scarcity of resources and its extreme climate, it is a region little inhabited by life. For this reason, the Syrian desert did not have enough good farmland which limited the expansion of the empire of Sargon of Akkad.
Some of the similarities between the two revolutions were:
- Both revolutions began due to the ideas of Enlightenment.
- Many of their objectives were similar: freedom, equality, the end of tyranny, the rule of law, etc.
- Both desired a republican, democratic government.
- Both inspired many political changes across the world.
However, they were also significantly different:
- The United States was fighting against a different country (England), while France engaged in a civil war. This led to deeper divisions within French society.
- The United States already had a more egalitarian system, while French social classes were extremely rigid. Therefore, long-lasting change was more difficult to achieve.
- The United States was successful in remaining democratic and republican, while France struggled with various regime changes.
- The post-war period was relatively peaceful in America, while it was extremely bloody and violent in France.
He led important campaigns and expanded his empire from Greece to Persia, Babylon, Egypt and beyond, taking advantage of local political contexts as he conquered new territory