it says that you need to pay monthly fees at a private school which is true.
Answer: i believe it is the 3rd one
Explanation: nos is meaning we so its the 3rd one
Yo pense que amarillo era el color yellow
Possessive Adjectives are used to show ownership. In Spanish lessons, there are five possessive adjectives used.
1) mi / mis - my
2) tu / tus - your (informal)
3) su / sus - his, her, their, your (formal)
4) nuestro / nuestra / nuestros / nuestras - our
5) vuestro / vuestra / vuestros / vuestras - your (familiar, plural)
<span>Mi comida favorita es el pollo. My favorite food is chicken.
Mi amiga Ana prefiere el pescado. My friend Ana prefers fish.
Su mamá es alérgica al pescado pero su papá no. His mother is allergic to fish but not his father.
Mi amiga Roberto prefiere comer mariscos. My friend Roberto prefer to eat seafood.
Su mamá cocina ceviche de mariscos cada domingo. Your mom cooks every Sunday seafood ceviche.
¿Cuál es tu comida favorita? </span>What is your favorite food?