The Sun
The sun does not move or rotate and hence cannot retrograde, however the other planets rotate. Some astronomers define retrograde motion as the Westward movement of the planets relative to the sun, based on this definition, all the planets experience retrograde movement. On the other hand, while some astronomers define retrograde motion as the movement that the other planets make when earth passes them while orbiting the sun. Based on this second classification, Mercury and Venus do not retrograde relative to the earth because they move faster than the earth.
Protection of water sources
soils formation and protection
nutrient storage and recycling
pollution breakdown and absorption
contribution to climate stability
maintenance of ecosystems
recovery from unpredictable events
- Marine and freshwater ecosystems are water, covering almost 75 percent of the earth's surface.
-The most pervasive problem affecting both freshwater and marine ecosystems is pollution.
-The process of regulating the osmotic pressure on fluids inside an organism is essential to all freshwater and marine species.
- Marine ecosystems are more diverse than freshwater ones.
- In marine or seawater, the salinity level, or the concentration of salt is greater, but freshwater is not totally void of it.
- Only 1% of the whole water body on the earth is freshwater, the other 99% is marine water.
Note- I couldn't come up with ones for estuaries, sorry.
Troposphere is the layer where the air is thin as well as very warm