You can convert them to decimals and multiply. Remember when using decimals, it is over 10 or 100 <span />
To get the difference between the two diameters, all you have to do is subtract the smaller diameter (Mercury) from the larger diameter (Saturn) as follows:
Difference between the two diameters =diameter of Saturn-diameter of Mercury
Difference between the two diameters = (1.2*10^5) - (4.9*10^3)
Difference between the two diameters = 115100 km
We are asked to solve for the surface area of the described figure in the problem. We can conclude that the given figure is a rectangular prism since it was being mentioned in the problem that the height is laid flat. Therefore, the formula for the surface area is SA = PH + 2B where "P" stands for the perimeter of the rectangle and "B" stands for the area of the rectangle while "H" is for the height.
Solving for P, we have it:
P = width + length + width + length
P = 10 + 5 + 10 + 5
P = 30 inches
Solving for B, we have it:
B = length * width
B = 10 * 5
B = 50 inches squared
Solving for the surface area, we have it:
SA = PH + 2B
SA = 30*7 + (2*50)
SA = 310 inches squared
The answer is 310 in2.
To create a line that is perpendicular to the one given, completely invert the slope.
y = -3/2x + 9
20, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37
~ the median is: 31 +32 / 2 = 31.5
Step-by-step explanation: