There are many answers to this question. The first step is normally a reboot, second, I would check witch task or service is taking up all the CPU cycles and check the system and error logs. The list goes on... I'm not sure how detailed you want to get.
Overflow occurs when the magnitude of a number exceeds the range allowed by the size of the bit field. The sum of two identically-signed numbers may very well exceed the range of the bit field of those two numbers, and so in this case overflow is a possibility.
The computer technology that allows us to develop three-dimensional virtual environments (VEs) consists of both hardware and software. The current popular, technical, and scientific interest in VEs is inspired, in large part, by the advent and availability of increasingly powerful and affordable visually oriented, interactive, graphical display systems and techniques. Graphical image generation and display capabilities that were not previously widely available are now found on the desktops of many professionals and are finding their way into the home. The greater affordability and availability of these systems, coupled with more capable, single-person-oriented viewing and control devices (e.g., head-mounted displays and hand-controllers) and an increased orientation toward real-time interaction, have made these systems both more capable of being individualized and more appealing to individuals
IPO means Input - Process - Output
The IPO model means that a computer program is given an input to process, it processes the given input and return an output as the result.
1. Both Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak raised $1000 by selling personal items, so that they could start Apple.
2. Steve Wozniak worked for Hewlett Packard designing calculators before starting Apple.
4. Steve Jobs never learned to code and primarily focused on design.
I just took the test.