please give full understandable question buddy
Una computadora es una herramienta muy básica para hacer tareas repetitivas de forma más eficiente. Una computadora no es capaz de analizar un problema y obtener una solución.
Failure of the <u>Brake master </u>cylinder will often result in sudden unexpected loss of the ability to stop the vehicle
The ability to stop the vehicle lies with the Brakes. If brakes of a vehicle do not work properly then it might become difficult to stop the vehicle. This happens when a cylinder called brake master cylinder fails.
The brake master cylinder might not work properly with the passage of time or it can form internal leaks. This is the master cylinder and it controls other cylinders in a vehicle. Its failure affect the brakes badly, it will be unsafe to drive such a vehicle.
A table with sample values
A chart with sample values
The receiver will not detect the error.
The byte sent by transmitter: 10101010
The byte received by receiver due to channel noise: 10011010
If you see the bold part of the both sent and received bytes you can see that the number of bits changed is 2.
The two communicating devices are using a single-bit even parity check. Here there are two changed bits so this error will not be detected as this single bit even parity check scheme has a limit and it detects the error when the value of changed bit is odd but here it is even.
This parity scheme basically works well with the odd number of bit errors.