The Gulf of Tonkin resolution affected the balance of power between the President and Congress by giving the President authorization, without a legitiment declaration of war by Congress (pg. 796). A bomb that sends pieces if its shell flying in all directions. this maximized the damage and kill and maimed may people.
Very abbreviated answer: The Black Death was another name for the plague, this claws caused by rats and lead to death of a large sum of the population.
1. Positive Impact- They make people equal
Negative Impact - They control everyone's lives
2. Positive Impact - No One Is above the law.
Negative Impact - Excessive Freedom
3. Positive Impact - Maximum Freedom
Negative Impact - Minimum Government
4. Positive Impact - Support of Lower Tax
Negative Impact - Removal of Obamas care
5. Positive Impact - Non Racist
Negative Impact - Interest in Communism
They are on the west side of the country and new mexico and Colorado Wyoming Idaho Montana are all in the USA
Carried on British vessels