Prokaryotes and eukaryotes both have a plasma membrane, mitochondria, golgi apparatus, and endoplasmic reticulum in common. But, prokaryotes have cell walls, chloroplast, and larger vacuoles because they are plant cells and animals don't need chloroplast since they don't undergo photosynthesis and don't need to hold as much water in their vacuoles.
Physiology, behavior and morphology are considered as phenotype of an individual as these attributes can be observed. Example of phenotypes include wing length, hair color, skin color and height.
<u>There are basically two factors that influence the phenotype:</u>
<u>(1) Genotype or Genetic information of the individual:</u> Some of the phenotypes such as height and skin color are transmitted genetically from generation to generation. Genetic information is the transfer of genes that carry some of the specific genetic information and pass it to another generation which is visible in their phenotype.
(2)<u> Environmental influence:</u> As the phenotype attributes are variable so they are highly influenced by the environment or surrounding they are living. Environmental condition such as temperature, diet, humidity, oxygen levels, and the presence of mutagens affects the phenotype of an individual.
Hence, Genotype and environmental factors influence an individuals phenotype.
correct answer is mutualistic bacteria in the hindgut of the termite digest the
cellulose into sugars.
depend upon the whole complex of microbes in their hindgut. Microbes inside the
termites help the breakage of the complex sugars like a cellulose into short-chain
fatty acids.</span>
Is this a multiple choice question or...??
If not, I'd say, that its simple as scientists can easily decipher which variable caused the situations result. And thats because you may have one manipulated variable to be able to know the responding variable.
The correct option is IPSILATERAL. The anatomical path of a reflex is called reflex arc. An ipsilateral reflex arc is one in which the motor output occur on the same side of the body where the stimulus is detected. Apart from ipsilateral reflex arc, there are other two types, which are conlateral and intersegmental reflex arc.