The writer of the Book of Deuteronomy set the story into the framework of three sermons by Moses to the Israelites as they stand on the plains of Moab poised to cross the Jordan River and enter the Promised Land.
I would add a little shading to it ou did really well
Perspective influences how a person looks at a piece of art and its qualities. Always true. ... The study of symbols and images in art. Experience and perception changes the way people look at an image.
Relative scales<span> are </span>scales<span> that share the same set of notes — much like you have DNA in common with your relatives. Every major </span>scale<span> has a </span>relative<span> minor </span>scale<span>, and every minor </span>scale<span> a </span>relative<span> major. For example, the C major </span>scale<span> and the A minor </span>scale<span> are </span>relative scales<span>.</span>