Leah could perform better than Jenna at the tryout.
The way the script is written, Leah works really hard, but Jenna just thinks that her natural talent is enough.
If Leah performed better than Jenna at the tryouts, then the script would be developed to address the theme " Hard work is more important than natural talent."
Those who move slower and take their time can usually avoid error. Those who move quickly mess things up and can literally “fall.”
When you use more than one adjective, you have to put them in the right order, according to type. It is correct to write, "I have a small red car", but it is not correct to write, "I have a red small car". When you use two adjectives together, you sometimes use "and" between them and you sometimes don't.
Because it shares two different ideas <span />
You can write about the second topic using the general to particular pattern by stating general activities people do and then specifying the ones you do.
<h3>What is general to particular pattern?</h3>
When we write a paragraph using the general to particular/specific pattern of idea development, we begin by writing a broader idea and then moving on to specificities and details that support that idea.
Let's focus here on the topic "My daily activities during the pandemic," and let's use the signal words required in the question. An example of a paragraph would be:
"Since the pandemic had us all confined to our homes, people had to come up with different and creative activities to keep themselves entertained and healthy. Some took to painting, crafting, drawing, kitting, whereas others ordered work-out equipment or books. In fact, many people ended up developing skills that became quite useful later on. I, for example, took to cooking and baking, and now that is what I do for a living. In other words, my daily activities during the pandemic not only kept me busy then, but also keep me busy now as my source of income."
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