The main reason the US Civil War started because the Northern and Southern colonies had different views on how slavery should be handled. So they went to war to decide.
Jews celebrated Hanukkah during the Holocaust.
In late 1942, someone stole an enormous block of wood from the Nazis running the camp. Into it, they carved a magnificent hanukkiah—the special menorah lit at Hanukkah—with nine candle holders and a Star of David. For most of the year, the menorah stood concealed. Germans forbid celebrating Jewish holidays or teaching adolescents about Judaism, but once a year, usually in the depths of December, Jews brought it forth.
New Deal agency that provided work relief through various public works projects.
Due to more local control, the colonists felt like they had more of a control over their lives and government as opposed to only royalty having control.
Any women who could read or write would be able to be trained as a physician.