It aroused sympathy for run away slaves and converted many people to abolitionism.
Items can be dissolved faster when adding heat in the process, when the size of particle is small but the surface area is very large in the process, when stirring is used to mix the solution or to increase the rate of reaction.
All the above methods are correct and useful to increase the dissolving rate of items in a process or reaction. By increasing heat the rate of reaction increases gradually because the heat provides energy to the molecules and force them to leave the shell and react rapidly.
When having a large surface area the dissolving time gradually decreases because the size of the particle is comparatively smaller. Stirring helps in mixing the solution due to which the molecules reacts fast and the item’s reaction and dissolving time gradually decreases.
It basically left the issue of allowing slavery in Kansas and Nebraska up to sovereignty of the people who lived there.
The Abbasid dynasty ruled as caliphs from their capital in Baghdad, in modern Iraq, after taking over authority of the Muslim empire from the Umayyads in 750 CE.
The student on the left was chosen as the system to be analyzed.
In the example titled “Colliding Students” in the textbook, the student on the left was chosen as the system to be analyzed; while the surroundings was chosen as the Earth, the ground, the air, and the second student who happened to collide with the student on the left.