G1/S checkpoint
G1/S checkpoint is one of the points in the cell cycle, between growth phase 1 and DNA synthesis phase, where a cell that has been damaged is sensed by DNA repair enzymes and further degraded by apoptosis. In cancer cells, there is mutation in these DNA repair enzymes and thus nothing to correct the cells from dividing even when damaged and thus there is no arrest of division and cells continue dividing
The right answer of this question of mitochondria.
The Venn diagram compares aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration. That is the statement that could be categorized only in the anaerobic section of the Venn diagram. I think this is a right answer.
Resource depletion is the consumption of a resource faster than it can be replenished. Natural resources are commonly divided between renewable resources and non-renewable resources (see also mineral resource classification). Use of either of these forms of resources beyond their rate of replacement is considered to be resource depletion. The value of a resource is a direct result of its availability in nature and the cost of extracting the resource, the more a resource is depleted the more the value of the resource increases. There are several types of resource depletion, the most known being: Aquifer depletion, deforestation, mining for fossil fuels and minerals, pollution or contamination of resources, slash-and-burn agricultural practices, Soil erosion, and overconsumption, excessive or unnecessary use of resources.
Resource depletion is most commonly used in reference to farming, fishing, mining, water usage, and consumption of fossil fuels. Depletion of wildlife populations is called defaunation.