Because they wanted to end the conflict between them, but the king did not even look at it.
The ocean was first mapped by Abraham Ortelius; he called it Maris Pacifici following Ferdinand Magellan's description of it as "a pacific sea" during his circumnavigation from 1519 to 1522. To Magellan, it seemed much more calm (pacific) than the Atlantic.
to gain control over Americas resources
The tireless assistance of workers during funeral rituals is not only to show proper respect to the owners but also to avoid suspicion of involvement in causing the death.
- The prevalent social beliefs on the Trobriand Islands tend to make the workers work relentlessly to carry out the funeral rituals of the owner, no matter how long they last.
- It is believed that if all the workers work with devotion to carry out the funeral rituals of the owner, none of the workers is involved in causing the death of the owner.