Well, more and more people are buying products and then uploading them online so that other people, who may not have the money or just don't want to buy them can download them for free. Of course, this is illegal, however it is a common practice all over the globe. Even if you are not downloading, but rather just watching a show on a website where you don't have to pay for it - it is still piracy.
for (int h = k; h >= 0; h--)
From the list of given options, option C answers the question.
In the outer loop
Initially, k = 0
In the inner loop,
h = k = 0
The value of h will be printed once because h>=0 means 0>=0 and this implies once
To the outer loop
k = 1
The inner loop will always assume value of k;
h = 1
This will be printed twice because of the condition h>=0 means 1>=0.
Since 1 and 0 are >=0; 1 will be printed twice
To the outer loop
k = 2
The inner loop
h = 2
This will be printed thrice because of the condition h>=0 means 2>=0.
Since 2, 1 and 0 are >=0; 2 will be printed thrice
To the outer loop
k = 3
The inner loop
h = 3
This will be printed four times because of the condition h>=0 means 3>=0.
Since 3, 2, 1 and 0 are >=0; 3 will be printed four times
Shows the programming checking if num1 is greater than num2
So num1 and num2 are inputs
for you to code this you would need to put
num1=int(input("What is your first number? ))
and the same for num2 except change num1 for num 2 and first for second
When the input is completed, the computer will check if num 1 is greater than num2
it will do this by using a code something like:
if num1>num2:
Print("Your first input was greater than your second")
But in this example if it greater it just ends
But if it was less than you would put
if num1>num2:
Print("Your first input was greater than your second")
elif num1<num2:
Print("Your first input is less than your second")
So basically this code shows the computer checking if one number is greater than the other or not
import numpy as np#importing numpy module with an alias np.
def c(bitstring_array):# defining function c.
num_integer=bitstring_array.dot(2**np.arange(bitstring_array.size)[::-1])#bitstring conversion.
return num_integer#returning integer array.
print("Enter bits")
Bit_l=input().split(" ")#enter space separated bitstring.
for i in range(len(Bit_l)):#iterating over the bitstring.
print(c(bitstring_array))#function call.
Enter bits
1 1 1 0 0 1