The MSDS lists the hazardous ingredients of a product, its physical and chemical characteristics (e.g. flammability, explosive properties), its effect on human health, the chemicals with which it can adversely react, handling precautions, the types of measures that can be used to control exposure, emergency and first....
thats basically what they are lol yea okay yea no
Self awareness is knowing yourself and your actions. It's about being aware of yourself.
Probability is the likelihood or chance of an event occurring. Probability = the number of ways of achieving success. the total number of possible outcomes.
Frog undergoes a complete metamorphosis. It includes the egg, tadpole, froglet and then adult frog stages. In complete metamorphosis the hatchling does not resemble the parent and changes as it grows to be an adult.
During metamorphosis the tadpole will develop back legs first, then front legs. Around 6 weeks of life the mouth starts to widen. Sometime around 10 weeks the froglet’s, as it is now called, eyes start to bulge out and the tail begins to shrink and eventually disappear. When the lungs finish developing the froglet makes it’s way onto the land and, Ta-da! It’s a frog!
Hope this helps!