As the two plates move away from each other in a divergent boundary, the magma from the mantle beneath rises to replace the void created. The magma then cools into a new crust. Before the magma cools, the iron minerals align themselves with the magnetic fields of the earth due to their ferromagnetic properties. These cause the rocks after they are cooled to seem to have bands.
Due to magnetic reversals of the earth's magnetic fields (i.e change in magnetic north and south poles) over several hundred thousand years, these bands will orient differently depending on the then earth magnetic polarity when the magma was cooling.
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But, if you are referring to the most widely accepted theory:
Anthropogenic (man-made) Global Warming, or AGW. The theory states that man-made greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2 ), are the predominant cause for the global warming that has occurred during the past 50 years.
The first options answer is phloem while the second answer is roots
It is the Free trade. A typical contention against free trade is the decrease of residential employments from the expansion in imported products from global nations. Free trade is exemplified by the European Economic Area and the Mercosur, which have built up open markets.