A producer can include someone involved in the mining industry. Some of the factors to be considered before production starts are what are the grade and tonnage say of the metals involved? Also, the geometry of the deposit is important to know how to develop it ie open pit or underground or both. Also the economics must be considered ie what is the world market price of the metal in question and the prognosis for its future price?
Answer: Brown v. Board of Education
Their work in factories was necessary for family survival
The unfolding of the industrial revolution had as a result women and children entering the workforce because of the immidiate improve in the life of the low class families that it represented, prior to the indrustrial revolution women and children had a lot of work in the house hold and were in charge of the farm work, but when the industrial revolution came the principal change was in the textile fabrication and it was the women that principally filled the textiles fabrics.
the addition of a free state.
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