Despite the slightly frightening description if you think about it, its dead accurate. Forgive me for the Martin Luther King moment but I have a dream, except my dream is much easier to peruse than Martin's dream and Its implied to all people. My dream is that every person who uses technology will think while he's using it. Let me explain, Technology in the bottom line, is a freaking tool. Used by us humans, you and me. We give it life and fuel it or we can use it as a byproduct. Every one of us have the option to do something we normally forget to do, which is to Think! Think before we post, before we upload, before we even choose to look at our phones, before we take pictures of everything, Just think. Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house or better yet don't live in a glass house. Your choice.
It would be the second one
It looks way more better in the sentence.
Word choice...thesaurus gives alternative but same meaning for a word.
Invaluable means value less scan means scanning
The horse's breath made puffs of steam as she trotted along the road to the cadence of tinkling bells.