I dont have sleep paralysis but I wanted to say your drawing of them look good. also sorry this is something you have
the papacy
Considering the Renaissance Period: The term "Renaissance Popes" means the pontiffs who ruled the Church in the time of Humanism. They favored the arts in general. The popes of this period were: Nicholas V (1447-1455), Calixto II (1455-1458), Pius II (1458-1464) Paul II (1464-147l) Sixto IV (1471-1484), Innocent VIII (1484-1492) ), Alexander VI (1492-1503), Pius III (1503), Julius II (1503-1513) and Leo X (1513-1521). This series of popes was glorious from a human and Renaissance point of view. Unfortunately the same cannot be said in the moral and ecclesiastical aspect. Many have endeavored to support the arts, yet forgetting to renew Church discipline and other more urgent needs.
courtesy of debmagnani
What was your relfection or insperati0on for this fine art work.
A. If the living do not examine pas mistakes, in particular with war and hatred, then the ones who died because of these things will have died for no reason.
Explanation: Mr. Solway goes in the court and tells the judge that he loaned the meddle to chase because Solway and Chase get along good.