smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum differs from the rough endoplasmic reticulum in not having ribosomes on its surface. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) extends from the rough ER and forms a network of membrane tubules. The function of the smooth ER is to serve as a site for the synthesis of lipids, fatty acids, and steroids such as estrogens and testosterone.
Enzymes for the synthesis of these diverse biomolecules are present in smooth ER. The smooth ER present in the muscle cells is called the sarcoplasmic reticulum. It stores the calcium ions which are released into the sarcoplasm of muscle cells during muscle contraction.
Answer:The nitrogen present in the soil is not directly used by the bacteria. It can be used only when the nitrogen is converted into usable form. These bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia, then nitrite which is then converted into nitrate. This nitrate is used by the roots of the plants like soybeans and peas. This is the role of bacteria present in the roots of the plant to convert atmospheric nitrogen into usable form that can be used by plants.
1. A. Pseudomonas and E. coli
2. B. Red without black center
3. B. Salmon/orange
Pseudomonas is referred to as an oxidase positive bacteria while E. Coli is an oxidase negative bacteria. The use of the oxidase test will be helpful in the differentiation of the two Bacteria according to their oxidase activity/properties.
Colonies of Red without black center color is what is expected on HE agar if shigellosis is suspected.
Colonies of Salmon/Orange color is what is expected on HE agar if Enterococcus sp. is suspected.
Direction and Displacement would be your answer.