It can be determined by measuring product appearance or reagent disappearance also enzymatic activity (described below
Effect of pH on enzymatic activity
PH effect: affects the state of dissociation of the groups, although all proteins are not affected in the same way because some do not have dissociable groups. Most enzymes have an optimal pH. If there are small changes in pH, the enzyme is not denatured. The pH can affect in two ways:
The substrate binding is better or worse than before.
That affects the catalytic speed of the reaction.
The enzymatic speed is measured in M / t and the enzymatic activity in mol / t, and the international unit μmol / min, amount of enzyme that transforms a micromol from substrate into product in one minute under optimal conditions. Another unit is the enzymatic amount that is required to transform 1 mol / s and is called katal.
Answer: In photosynthesis, the Electron Transport Chain consists of 2 photo systems which use light energy from the sun. The ATP synthase uses the proton gradient established from the ETC to create more energy. ATP is produced from ATP synthase. NADPH is produced from the NADP reductase process.