Getting hurt would be my answer but i dont know if thats what it is cuz i just learned that so im pretty sure its getting hurt
It has been found that the rainforests are accountable for about one-third, that is, 28 percent of the oxygen of the Earth, however, the majority of the oxygen, that is, about 70 percent in the atmosphere is generated by the marine plants. The left-over two percent of the oxygen comes from other sources.
The majority of the oxygen comes from the tiny plants in the ocean known as phytoplankton, which lives near the surface of the water and drifts with the currents. Similarly to plants, they perform the process of photosynthesis, that is, they utilize carbon dioxide and sunlight to prepare food, oxygen is the by-product of photosynthesis.
However, the concentration of the dissolved oxygen, which the water can hold relies on the salinity and temperature of the water. The cold water can withhold more oxygen in comparison to warm water and fresh water can hold more oxygen in comparison to salt water. So, the warmer and saltier the water is, the less will be the oxygen dissolved in it.
In summer they're cooler and during winter they're warmer
Answer:Flippered and charismatic, pinnipeds (which includes seals, sea lions, and walruses) are true personalities of the sea. Like whales, manatees, and sea otters, they are marine mammals, meaning millions of years ago their ancestors evolved from a life on land to a life at sea. Today, they remain creatures of both land and sea. Though able to walk on land, they are truly at home in the water. Strong flippers and tails propel them and a streamlined body helps them cut through the water efficiently.
It’s easy to tell the enormous, tusked walrus from other pinnipeds, but seals and sea lions are easy to confuse. The easiest way is to look at their ears—sea lions have small ear flaps while seal ears are nothing but small holes.