The Monroe Doctrine simply stated that the west will not interfere with the affairs of Europe as long as they didn't interfere with us. This enabled us to be able to deal with the smaller countries and help them reform their government. The Monroe doctrine allowed the United States to become "protectors" of the smaller countries in the western hemisphere.
In April 1881, McCarty was tried for and convicted of Brady's murder, and was sentenced to hang in May of that year. He escaped from jail on April 28, killing two sheriff's deputies in the process and evading capture for more than two months.
The "first illness" took place around 2100 B.C. and was where the Egyptians were in very bad shape. The harvests were not plentiful, and this in itself lead to numerous diseases, malnourishment, and even starvation. Along with this, wars and anarchy broke out, as people were not happy with the government. All of this combined lead to a lot of deaths. There was also a "second illness", which was sort of the same thing, along with civil war breaking out.
Let's take the example of Walmart, which has the large presence in the United States and is an important part of the Consumer Services Industry.
Walmart began with just one store but has grown all over the country to many unique aspects of the American economy and demographics. The United States, in contrast to what many people assume, is a very diverse country.
The culture of New England is very different from that of the Bible belt. Similarly, the African American culture of Georgia is different from the casual California where there is a vast Hispanic population.
Walmart saw an opportunity in this diversity and has grown by catering to needs of all these consumers. Communities with highly dense Hispanic population stocked food items that were very different than can be found in Jewish neighbourhoods and vice verse.
This enabled Walmart to connect with each community and grow with them over the generations.
In all this, Walmart prides itself in providing benefits to US army veterans and provides jobs to women from low-income backgrounds and the disabled.
In all this, Walmart does face a number of different challenges, including:
- A slowing economy can hit the profits of the company
- Competition from other companies such as Costco and even international players like Aldi and Lidl can decrease their market share
- Online rivals such as Amazon have long been identified as a threat to the company and is one of the biggest challenges facing the consumer service industry.
- Companies like Amazon are not only involved in retail but also in selling movies, music, etc that can completely challenge the consumer service sector
During the Mexican National Era of Texas history, there was support among many Anglo-American settlers for
Texas to be made into an independent state of Mexico.
Initially, Texas was known as Spanish Texas. Between 1821 and 1836 it became known as Mexican Texas after the independence of Mexico from Spain. It even attained a Republican status, independent of Mexico in 1836 after Mexico's independence war drove away Spain in 1821. After nine years of being a republic, it agreed to join the United States of America. During its independence, Texas tried to expand its territory into South and West of Mexico.