Vacuoles (located in the cell), store water, food and waste. It acts as a storage unit for the cell.
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Seaweeds, shrimps, salmon
The rapid increase in the human population day by day has led to the increased usage of marine plants and animals. Due to this, the population f some marine plants and animals is declining to threatening levels.
To overcome his problem, scientists have devised the method of mariculture. This technique involves raising aquatic plants and animals in artificial lakes or ponds containing salty water just like in the oceans.
Some of these plants and animals are:
- Sea weeds: People might think that they do not consume sea weeds but it is actually present in most of our daily use products like toothpaste, ice creams and even in some automobiles. Many people from the world consume sea weeds as food. Hence, they are being raised in maricultures.
- Shrimps: Shrimps are favourite sea food among many people belonging to different areas. Hence, there population is declining due to which they need to be raised artificially.
- Salmon: The salmon is a kind of fish common to almost every nation. Hence, to meet the demands of people they need to be produced in maricultures.