Answer: Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack
During the 1862 Battle of Hampton Roads, the CSS Virginia took part in the first naval battle between ironclads when it fought the Union ship, the B. Monitor. In fact, the CSS Virginia was built of the remnants of the Merrimack which is why the battle is also known and the Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack
Christopher Columbus is the explorer who is credited for discovering America. Of course, there were already people living in America at the time who we call Native Americans. There even was a European, Leif Ericsson, who had been to the Americas before. However, it was Columbus' voyage that started the exploration and colonization of the Americas.
The French, Spanish, and English all had land on our continent. England tried to blockade our ships from trading with Europe. The English seized our ships and their cargo. The French seized our ships and their cargo. all the above.