On the earth ,living and non-living organism is present.Living organism like human,animal,trees etc.Non living organism like air ,soil,water etc.
In the living world there exits a diversity of living organism.Due to availability of water and other things on the earth, human or animal can spend life.That is why earth is called living world.
On the other hand ,life is not possible on the Mars currently.There is a lack of water, which makes of building block and energy source for power,that is why life is not possible on Mars.But lots of scientist are studying about Mars and exploring about the existence of life on mars.
May include opinions that are not completely factual
A secondary source is one that did not witness the event first hand but gives information about a primary source.
The Ozarks can be found in the Southern region.
The Ozarks are a set of highlands located midway between the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky Mountains. In fact, it is the largest highland area between the aforementioned two massive mountain ranges, and it is found in the middle of a lowland area. Regionally speaking, the Ozarks are located in the Southern region of the United States.
These highlands are not in the same category as the large mountain ranges in the east and west of the United States. Instead, they are relatively low in elevation, with more plateau-like features, and the area they occupy is also relatively small when compared to large mountain ranges. Anyhow, because it is located in the middle of a vast lowland area, it sticks out from its surroundings and seems much more marking and high than what it actually is.
Our experiences, environment and even genetics form our beliefs and attitudes. In turn, these beliefs influence our behaviour, and determine our actions. Beliefs that are widely accepted become part of our culture and, in many ways, shape the society we live in.
Hope this helps you figure out some sort of answer